Wyman Lancaster is one of those rare talents, who never studied art or painting and yet after developing an interest in fine art, picked up his first paint brush and took to the canvas as though he had been painting for years. Working to develop a style of painting that he felt truly defined him as a unique artist, he is today a recognized and relevant force in the world of art.
Lancaster’s style of painting far more refined than most self-taught artists and not at all naïve. His works are so exceptional that they continue to find their way into private and considerably serious collections around the U.S. and parts of Europe.
One unique quality that is reflected in his art and sets his work apart from so many other artists is that he isn’t afraid to try anything and everything. His creative process involves taking risks and simply jumping in and seeing where things go. It is perhaps this sense of letting go that makes his artwork speak for itself. His work neither feels or appears contrived and in need of explanation.
Like other artists, and it is unfortunate there aren't more like him, Wyman Lancaster is sometimes self-conscious about his talents and his motivation to create. However, it is this sense of reservation that seems to direct his need to be original in his art and to remain unique onto himself.